Friday, February 27, 2009

Madea Goes to Jail Febuary 2009

Another Tyler Perry hit it was quite good, as funny as she always is with some very serious parts. The issue in this one is prostitution and drug usage. Anger issues land Madea (Tyler Perry in drag) in jail for 5 - 10 years. A young prostitute named Candace Washington (Keshia Knight Pulliam) gets arrested and it turns out the prosecuting attorney Joshua Hardaway (Derek Luke) knew her during their childhood years and because he was too close to the case he gave it to his fiance Linda Holmes (Ion Overman) to try who gets jealous of the friendship rekindling between the two as he tries to help her as much as he can. She plants false crimes uncommited in Candaces file getting her 17 years. While in jail she meets Madea who takes her under her wing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I ADORE the Madea movies!!!!!