Wednesday, December 2, 2009

New Moon - Nov 2009

The second movie in the Twilight Saga is New Moon. During Bella's birthday party at the Cullin's residence she cuts her finger. One of the newer vampires in the family looses control charges her. Disaster is headed off but it scares the bejeezus out of Edward who decides it is too danger for her to be around the vampires any longer. Bella pleads that all can be fixed if he changes her over to one of them but he is dead set against it, loving her too much to submit her to a life like he has to live.
The Cullins pack up and leave, leaving Bella behind with a broken heart. She discovers that if she risks her life with danger his apparition appears to her. Needing to see him she time after time pulls dangerous stunts. Trying to move on, she starts a friendship with Jacob Black (Tyler Lautner), a native american boy who is also in love with her.
Victoria, one of the nasty vampires from the group in the last movie is back and after Bella in revenge for her mate being killed and Jacob and his pack of werewolves do their best to protect her. The next book/movie in the series is Eclipse and is currently in production, due to be released in june 2010 and I literally can't wait.

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