Thursday, February 25, 2010

Legion - January 2010

I wasn't going to watch this movie right away at first. I saw the previews on tv and the ads on facebook and it looked good but there were just so many other movies I wanted to watch first. Then came the email in my account. The protestants took up arms against it saying it was religious blasphemous. In the past when they get their panties in a knot about a movie Ive ended up loving it so it caught my attention even more and I downloaded it. lol

I was not disappointed. In the story, God is pissed. He has had enough of sin and sinners and lets lose a band of demons to bring on the apocalypse. St. Michael (Paul Bettany) the Archangel rebels and comes down to our aid to save us from the evil crawling around the earth possessing people and causing mayhem and death. He protects a special children that is to be born on our behalf. Yes eventually God's mercifulness calms down and he forgives us, his children. The special effects kicked butt.

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