Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Triangle - Nov 2009

this movie made no sense and I ended up getting fed up with it and turned it off. Basically its a Ground hog Day of horror type movie where this girl gets into a loop of events that keep playing over and over and over with no way to stop it. I wouldnt waste your time.

Summer's Moon - Nov 2009

Ashley Green (better known for her role as Alice Cullins in the Twilights) plays Summer. A teenager who runs away from home to find her father after finding out her mother lied to her saying he was dead. Mom also lied to her father, telling her that Summer was a miscarriage.

Along her trip she runs into a boy her own age who saves her from the cops after she stole some food, takes her home and has sex with her. Afterwards she makes to leave to continue her search only to find she is now a captive. The warped boy chains her down in the basement as a garden decoration, she is not the only woman he has kept down there one of the other girl's father is seeking information on her.

It turns out Summer's father is also this young man's father. They are half siblings. The father is a sick twisted sexual killer who tortures prostitutes to death after bedding them and the step mother and brother are also twisted in their own little, but not as bad, ways. Even after finding out he is Summer's brother..he still wants to try and have a love relationship with her.

It was an interesting watch, I was able to watch it the whole way through without putting it on pause number times to break to do other things.

Homecoming - Jul 2009

this is a good Misery like clone and anyone who liked Misery will love this one.

Mike (played by Matthew Long) is a star highschool quarterback who went on to play college ball on a scholarship. Upon leaving for college he breaks up with his girlfriend, Shelby (played by Mischa Barton), and while at school meets somebody new, Elizabeth (played by Jessica Stroup).

He is going home on vacation to his jersey retirement ceremony at the highschool and is bringing his new lady home to meet his friends and family but it turns out his ex thought they were still together all this time and that he just needed some time away. Upon meeting his new girlfriend and discovering it is serious she shows her bunny boiler (crazy) side.
Mike drops Liz off at a hotel for the night because she has issues about meeting his mother while drunk, but he didn't stay long enough to see her checked in and it turned out the rooms were full. As she is lugging her bags down the secluded road, Shelby accidently hits her with the car while she was crying and unable to see clearly. Taking Elizabeth home she nurses her back to health while keeping her locked up the whole time and unallowing her to call anybody. Shelby makes Mike think Liz changed her mind about the relationship and went back home saying it was moving too fast, and begins her seduction trying to get Mike back for herself.

this chick is CRAZY lol. Very good movie kept me hooked.

Ghost Month - May 2009

After breaking up with her psychotic boyfriend, who still will not give up and accept the break up, Alyssa takes a live in housekeeper job with an oriental woman and her mother. The oriental family has a strict set of rules for Alyssa to follow, which of course she breaks at every opportunity. Things just aren't adding up especially when Alyssa finds the belongings of the past housekeeper who mysteriously disappeared and she begins to see apparitions all over the house.
During the time of her being hired the chinese are celebrating ghost month. The one month of the year which is similar to our Samhain, when the spirits may walk the earth freely uninhibited. The living performs rituals nightly to appease the ghosts and to keep them nonviolent but for some reason the ghosts of this house seem hell bent on Alyssa.

Friday the 13th - Feb 2009

In this remake Clay Miller (played by Jared Padalecki, better known for his role as Sam in the Supernatural tv series) searches for his missing sister, Whitney Miller (Amanda Righetti) in and around the infamous Crystal Lake where he and another group of partying teens meet the killing specter of Jason Voorhees (played by Derek Mears)

I liked this version much better then the 70s and 80s movies even though it only loosely follows the plot of the old ones, I hope they do more movies.

Underworld - Rise of the Lycans - Jan 2009

this is the unfortunate love story that is hinted about several times in the first two movies. The daughter of the vampire lord falls in love with the werewolf slave. For awhile they meet in secret and have trysts but eventually are found out and she is pregnant. The punishment for unclean betrayal of vampire purebloodness is death, a sentence even her own father refuses to lift. They force the lycan to watch as they tie her to a pole and open the ceiling knowing what will happen to her when the sun comes up. Having nothing more to lose the lycans rise up and revolt, slaves no more. Sonja, the vampire princess is played by Rhona Mitra. The lycan lover - Lucien is played by Michael Sheen. And the Vampire Lord (in all three movies) Viktor, is played by Bill Nighy.

The Unborn - Jan 2009

I am going to try to review this one but it was hard to follow and very confusing to me. Definitely a wierd one. From what I gather a pregnant woman slowly becomes possessed by a spirit that is the result of a curse that haunts the family whenever twins are present. The twin that died in utero years ago now wants its turn to live and tries to take over its sister during her time of greatest vulnerability...her pregnancy. Its happened before to her mother and to her grandmother and is pure evil. The pregnant chick is running against time to stop the possession from completeing and to save her soul. Good for a one time watch when bored, online where its free, but I wouldnt waste my money in theatre or buying the DVD.

New Moon - Nov 2009

The second movie in the Twilight Saga is New Moon. During Bella's birthday party at the Cullin's residence she cuts her finger. One of the newer vampires in the family looses control charges her. Disaster is headed off but it scares the bejeezus out of Edward who decides it is too danger for her to be around the vampires any longer. Bella pleads that all can be fixed if he changes her over to one of them but he is dead set against it, loving her too much to submit her to a life like he has to live.
The Cullins pack up and leave, leaving Bella behind with a broken heart. She discovers that if she risks her life with danger his apparition appears to her. Needing to see him she time after time pulls dangerous stunts. Trying to move on, she starts a friendship with Jacob Black (Tyler Lautner), a native american boy who is also in love with her.
Victoria, one of the nasty vampires from the group in the last movie is back and after Bella in revenge for her mate being killed and Jacob and his pack of werewolves do their best to protect her. The next book/movie in the series is Eclipse and is currently in production, due to be released in june 2010 and I literally can't wait.

Twilight - Nov 2008

Bella's mother remarries and while they are away on their trip they send Bella (played by Kristen Stewart) to live with her father in Forks, WA. While she is there she falls head over heels for Edward Cullins,(played by Robert Pattinson) who at first resists her interest, but she keeps at it. Finally he succombs to her charms. She figures out through wierd things that happen that he is a vampire, but she is completely unafraid and just as much in love as before she knew. They decide to give it a shot. His family is not the human blood drinking type but they still have the urges and Edward needs to control these.
The only real action in the movie is when another vampire click moves into town and starts killing and drinking people. Over all, it is a beautiful romance drama story between a human and a vampire if I had 12 thumbs theyd all be up -- and I usually don't like sappy movies but have always been a vampire fan.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Lost Boys: The Tribe - July 2008

Set some time after the original Lost Boys movie, Chris Emerson (Tad Hilgenbrink) and his sister Nicole Emerson (Autumn Reeser) lose both their parents in an automobile accident and move in with their aunt in the California beach town that is as the old man in the first movie says "Crawling with damn vampires".
there is a gang of surfers (guess what? Their vampires) who rule the beach and of course Nicole falls for one of them. Chris must intervene before she becomes one of them and of course who comes to his aid but Edgar Frog (played once again by Corey Fieldman)
Sam Emerson (Corey Haim) appears ever so briefly, now a vampire, for a verbal exchange with Frog.

Seamstress - Oct 2009

An innocent woman is tortured and killed by a vigilante mob for torturing and killing their children. They sew her mouth shut and cut out her eyes. Before dying she ripped her mouth free and uttered a horrible curse. The real killer is to be brought to her or else she will kill any who come to the island she haunts.
Fast forward about 20 years. A young girl and her friends take a boat to the island following a trail to her missing father, and the slaughter begins.

Giallo - 2009

Giallo is Italian for yellow and thats exactly what the villian is in the this movie. This very ugly man who hates anything beautiful, and has hepatitus, kidnaps beautiful women, torturing and disfiguring them to death.
Usually he kidnaps alien women who are not from his country and will not be missed by anyone so there are rarely compliants but this time he picks a beautiful supermodel whose sister, Celine(played by Elsa Pataky) is in town visiting her, and who is on the phone with her at the time of abduction
The sister enlists the help of inspector Enzo Lavia(played by Adrien Brody) and together they race against time before the kidnapped becomes another fatality of Giallo the butcher (played by Giuseppe Loconsole)
Well done for a drama/thriller though I didn't care for the ending much.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

House of the Devil Oct 2009

Samantha (played by Jocelin Donahue) is a sophomore in college who takes a babysitting job in order to pay for her own apartment so she can move out of the dorm she shares with her pig of a roommate (I mean clothes and trash EVERYwhere) who puts a sock on the doorknob to keep Sam out when she has a man in there.

It turns out that its not a child she is to look after but an elderly woman living with the man and woman who hired her. It also turns out not to be a babysitting job at all but a plot to use her as the sacrifice in a satanic ritual on the night of a big to do eclipse.

It starts out slow but gains momentum as it goes on with several scenes causing one to jump.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Final Destination - various

I like the Final Destination series of movies. There are four of them now and they are all pretty much the same. Someone goes into a trance like state where the have a vision of the disaster that is going to happen mere minutes away and panics..leaves the area which causes everyone in hearing range to also panic and not do what they were going to do.

In the first one put out in 2000, a teenage boy has a vision that the plane they were getting on for a school trip was going to crash. He has a fit, gets off the plane scaring everyone within ear distance into getting off the plane too. It crashs with no survivors.

The second one came out in 2003 and in it a teenager girl has a vision while waiting in piled up onramp to a highway that in mere moments a semi goes out of control and causes a chain reaction, killing everyone in its wake. She blocks the onramp with her car and saves herself and everyone behind her from the massacre when it comes true just as she saw it, minus her own body in the mess of dead.

The third one came out in 2006 and in it a girls sees her own death and that of her friends while waiting in line for a roller coaster ride that is doomed to crash while she's on it. She freaks out when she snaps out of the trance and loudly refuses to get on it, taking herself and those with her out of the line. Moments later the destined crash occurs.

Now comes the fourth which came out this year (2009) and this time a boy sees a car crash and chain reaction at the track where they are trying to enjoy the car races. The car goes out of control and literally brings down the building on top of everyone partly due to the bad maintenance, or lack thereof, of the facility's owners. He snaps out of it obviously scared witless and leaves with his friends and several people overhearing.

Now another thing they all have in common is this...they were not supposed to escape. It was there time to die. Now Death is pretty ticked off that victims on his list have gotten away from him. Not only themselves but a bunch of other people with the sense to listen and believe, and one by one, in the exact order they were meant to die in the accident he picks them off with other accidents. There are signs that death is zeroing in on you, but you have to pay attention and recognize the usually very deja vou signs and circumstances and get your tail out of there quick.

The Messengers 2 Apr 2009

This is a Prequel, it is the story of John Rollins. He was the hired help from the first movie, the one that turned out to be the bad guy who killed his family. This movie was ok as a standalone movie, in my opinion they should have changed the name of the family and just be Messengers 2, another family living in the same house. But as it is, I didn't like it because they didn't stick to the plot of the original.
In this movie you see John Rollins, his wife Mary, his son and daughter living in the farm house trying to grow a corn crop that the crows seem bent on eating faster then he can grow it. He finds a scarecrow in the barn and despite his son's eerily predictions that its a bad thing and pleas to get rid of it he puts it up in the field and immediately his luck changes. The crows die off but so does everybody who is any kind of threat to him. They end up dead with their belongs in the cornfield close by to this scarecrow. To the banker who was going to forclose on the farm, to the guy he thinks is trying to zero in on his wife during their marriage problems.
What gets me is in the first movie you KNOW he ends up slaughtering his family as she tries to leave him yet in the prequell the family conquors all evil, patches their marriage and lives happily ever after? HA!

The Messengers Feb 2007

The movie starts off with an unseen person or entity killing a woman trying to flee with her son and daughter many years ago. Fast forward to present day the Soloman family moves into the farmhouse looking for a fresh start from where they were, including legal troubles from their daughter drunk driving and the toddler who is suffering psychological effects from the resulting accident leaving him unable or unwilling to speak. The son can see the spirits of the before mentioned murdered family still haunting the farmhouse. The husband and father tries to get a sunflower seed crop off the ground with crows circling around. They hire a wandering man looking for work to live and help them out with the crop.
The spirits begin to make themselves known to the older daughter and begin to physically attack and scare her. The parents think she's gone loco until things begin to esculate to the point where mom sees it too. It turns out the hired help was the killer of the first family. It was his own family and he was keeping his wife from taking the children and running with them.
It's a pretty good movie many scenes which makes the eyes open wide and the heart thump wildly.
The wife/mom is played by Penelope Miller. The dad is done by Dylan McDermott. Jess the teenage girl is played by Kristen Stewart.

Grace Aug 2009

This one was weird but is one vampire fans might enjoy. Michael and Madeline Matheson (played by Stephan Park and Jordan Lad)have been struggling to get pregnant and finally succeeded. With just a few weeks left to delivery they get into a car accident which kills both Michael and the baby. Michael's mother starts losing it a little in her grief and becomes a control freak and Madeline just wants to be left alone. She decides she doesn't want a D&C to remove the child's dead body from her but insists on finishing out the turn and delivering stillborn.

When she goes into labor with the help of her midwife and long time friend she delivers a dead child. She asks to be left alone with her baby for a few moments and miraculously (or otherwise...) the baby takes in a breath and starts crying. The baby cannot tolerate milk however, puking it up each and every time and when Maddie nurses she begins to lactate blood instead of milk which leaves her highly anemic and needing other sources to feed her baby who she vows to protect at all costs.

When the baby starts teething it isnt human teeth that sprouts..but fangs.

Drag Me to Hell May 2009

Yes! Something that actually scared me, sending gooseshivers down my spine. This kind of had the feel of a Stephen King spin off called Thinner (where the man was getting a sexual favor while driving and it caused an accident where a gypsy was killed. When he got off scotfree the gypsy's spouse placed a curse on him where every day he got thinner and thinner no matter how much he ate and tried to find a way to break the curse)

This is like that in that Christine (played by Alison Lohman) works at a bank that is getting quite competitive. She is in line along with another gentleman for a big promotion but she is too sweet with the customers. She doesn't like denying loans or recalling them. After meeting with her boss about the position she wants she picks the wrong woman to develop a backbone with. Mrs. Ganush is a gypsy who comes in to beg a loan extension on her house. She's already had several. Christine battles with it but decides to deny the loan extension to which the gypsy kneels on the floor to beg, security has to be called to get her out of there. After work Christine finds Mrs. Ganush waiting for her in the parking lot. She is anger at being publically shamed in front of all and after a quick physical tiff she grabs a button off Christine's outfit, curses it then hands it to her. The curse is that of the Lamia..its a demon who haunts and torments the victim for so many days before finally at the peak of it opens a doorway to hell and drags the victim through it. At the beginning of the movie we see it done to a young child, prolly not even 10 years old, who stole from a gypsy and could not break the curse in time.

Christine's time is ticking down rapidly among physical and psychological attacks and she learns to break the curse she must get the caster to lift it voluntarily, or give the button away as a gift and thus passing on the curse to them. Mrs. Ganush passes away leaving Christine either to pass on the button which will damn someone else or try to find another way. She enlists the help of psychic Rham Jas (played by Dileep Rao) despite the protestations of her boyfriend, Clay Dalton (Justin Long) who begins to think she's gone looney as he doesn't believe in the supernatural.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Orphan Jul 2009

John and Kate Coleman (played by Peter Sarsgaard and Vera Farmiga) have 2 children and is pregnant with a third. She loses the baby and goes through horrible emotional tramua which can be expected when a mother suffers the death of one of her kids.
After some healing time they decide to adopt a child and visit an orphanage where they meet and adopt a 9 year old girl named Esther(played by Isabelle Fuhrman) . After they bring her home,however, a series of accidents and deaths begin occuring, each with Esther in the middle of the circumstances. Kate begins to question Esther's sanity and John begins to question Kate's sanity seemingly leaving him to choose between his wife and their adopted daughter who falling in love with her adopted father and wants Kate out of the way.

Its a good movie with an unexpected surprise ending when it reveals exactly who Esther is and her history. 5/5 for keeping me interested and waiting to see what happens next!

Halloween Aug 2007

BIG spoilers here because I just can't seem to type enough about this movie lol.
I loved this version so much better than the original from the 70s and I promise that the fact that I am a White Zombie metal music fan and that Rob Zombie directed this remake is purely coincidental.
This remake starts with Micheal as a 10 year old boy played by Daeg Faerch and goes further than the original into showing what may have been the cause of this child becoming so completely warped that he became such a hollow and emotionless killer. His mother Debbie Myers (played by Sheri Moon Zombie - Rob's wife) is a stripper and the poor boy gets tormented by the guys at school who show him his mother's promotional posters for her show and make snide comments on the things they'd like to do to her. His mother's boyfriend is a drunken cripple whose mouth hurts worse then any kind of beating a kid could receive. His sister would rather screw her boyfriend upstairs then spend any kind of time with Micheal even while he begs for someone to take him trick or treating. He has a baby sister who becomes Laurie Strode later in the movie after she is adopted.
When Micheal finally snaps it starts afterschool on halloween when he beats to death the worst of his school yard tormenters with a large sturdy tree limb. When he gets home he seems to be fine until he mother needs to leave for work. He begs her not to go of course she does. His stepfather starts right in with the drunken insults. He pleads with his sister to take him trick or treating and gets told to go himself. He kills his stepfather quite gruesomely in his sleep, kills his sister's boyfriend when he comes down to get something to eat then goes up and takes care of his older sister. His mom comes home to find Micheal on the steps outside holding his baby sister telling her everything is ok now he took care of all.
Micheal goes to an institution where Dr. Loomis, who is played by Malcolm Mcdowel tries to help him but after his mother commits suicide while watching home videos of Micheal when he was a happy toddler he falls into himself and never speaks another word.
The adult 27 year old Micheal who breaks out of the facility to find his baby sister. (played by Tyler Mane). In this version he seeks his sister for reuniting. She is in no danger (even though everyone else is) at first until she stabs him in what she understandably thinks is self defense while he is trying to show her a picture of them cuddling in her infancy, trying to make her understand who he is. After she drives the knife in though..well all deals are off and the nasty chase begins.
The movie leaves one feeling sad for the childhood that he should have had..things could have been so much different if his family wasn't such a bunch of white trashed screw ups and leaves one feeling pity and empathy for the monster. A typical ploy by hollywood, like Dracula and Frankenstein and phantom of the opera.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Paranormal Activity Sept 2009

Micah Sloat and Katie Featherston (playing themselves) are a girlfriend and boyfriend who decide to move in together. Things begin to happen and the movie starts out with him buying a camera to set up and record the sounds beginning to slam through the house. He learns that his girlfriend Katie has been haunted by a demon who has been following her around since she was 8 years old and even burning down her childhood home. It's found her again and some eerie things get captured like swinging chandeliers when there is no open doors or windows and slamming doors. One eerie part was when Micah spread baby powder across their bedroom door and hallway and they woke up to cloven footprints through out the house.

It's filmed as a documentary much like The Blair Witch project and except for a few edge on seat scenes I really was not impressed. It's not all it was hyped up to be even though I do have to admit the ending had my mouth open wide enough to catch flies! I agree with the exclaimed sediments of a fellow movie watcher in the theatre when the credits rolled: "You've gotta be f***ing kidding me!"

Friday, February 27, 2009

Bedtime Stories Dec 2008

Adam Sandler plays Skeeter Bronson who babysits his sister's (Cortney Cox Arquette playing Wendy) kids for a week while she goes for a job interview out of state. He takes the night shift while her friend Jill (Keri Russell) picks them up in the morning and takes them to school. He lives in the motel where he works as a handyman and discovers the bedtime stories he is telling his niece and nephew are coming true after they are told, at least the parts chimed in by the children it seems to be because of the magical powers of the guinea pig, bugsy. He uses this to his advantage to better his life.

Madea Goes to Jail Febuary 2009

Another Tyler Perry hit it was quite good, as funny as she always is with some very serious parts. The issue in this one is prostitution and drug usage. Anger issues land Madea (Tyler Perry in drag) in jail for 5 - 10 years. A young prostitute named Candace Washington (Keshia Knight Pulliam) gets arrested and it turns out the prosecuting attorney Joshua Hardaway (Derek Luke) knew her during their childhood years and because he was too close to the case he gave it to his fiance Linda Holmes (Ion Overman) to try who gets jealous of the friendship rekindling between the two as he tries to help her as much as he can. She plants false crimes uncommited in Candaces file getting her 17 years. While in jail she meets Madea who takes her under her wing.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Fireproof - Febuary 09

Remember Mike Seever from Growing Pains and a couple of Brat Pack 80s movies? Well he's doing Christian movies now he did several of the Left Behind Series and his latest is Fireproof. I LOVED THIS MOVIE!! I can't emphazise it enough if any couple is having martial problems this is the movie to see together. "Never Leave your partner behind." Kirk Cameron stars as Celeb Holt. He is a firefighter and a hero but he's let his marriage go to shambles. His wife is Catherine Holt (Erin Bethea) a public relations person at a hospital and they have one big fight that almost ends it all. She wants out and he don't care. His father challenges him to hold off the divorce and go through a 40 day love dare which will change the marriage. As it starts out the wife isn't buying it, it might have been let go for too long, many touching scenes seeing him pray and beg God and trying to make it right.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Boogeyman 3 - December 2008

This basically continues where 2 kind of left off as part 2 is referenced many times. Dr Bell's daughter is in college staying in a dorm. She finds her father's journal after his death and reads finding out that he really did believe in the boogeyman and reading his reasonings she comes to also believe ending in her death by his attack which was witnessed by Sarah ( Erin Cahill) In her attempt to warn everybody she causes her dormmates to believe one by one which in beliving in the boogeyman he attacks and kills them in pretty gruesome ways. I liked part 2 but I liked part 3 alot more as it actually has the boogeyman in it as did part 1.

Boogeyman 2 - Jan 2008

Laura and Henry Porter (Danielle Savre and Matt Cohen) saw their family murdered by an intruder when they were small children on Laura's birthday. Ever since then they have lived with a fear of the boogeyman. Henry goes to a mental institution and on discharge Laura realizes that she also needs help. On admitting herself her fellow patients on her ward start dying off and she keeps seeing the boogeyman. Dr Mitchell Ryan (Tobin Bell from Saw and guest appearances on Stargate) and Dr. Jessica Ryan (Renee O Connor - Xena) do not believe her at first until it is realized patients are being found dead and missing. I loved the movie was very suprised at the ending.