Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Final Destination - various

I like the Final Destination series of movies. There are four of them now and they are all pretty much the same. Someone goes into a trance like state where the have a vision of the disaster that is going to happen mere minutes away and panics..leaves the area which causes everyone in hearing range to also panic and not do what they were going to do.

In the first one put out in 2000, a teenage boy has a vision that the plane they were getting on for a school trip was going to crash. He has a fit, gets off the plane scaring everyone within ear distance into getting off the plane too. It crashs with no survivors.

The second one came out in 2003 and in it a teenager girl has a vision while waiting in piled up onramp to a highway that in mere moments a semi goes out of control and causes a chain reaction, killing everyone in its wake. She blocks the onramp with her car and saves herself and everyone behind her from the massacre when it comes true just as she saw it, minus her own body in the mess of dead.

The third one came out in 2006 and in it a girls sees her own death and that of her friends while waiting in line for a roller coaster ride that is doomed to crash while she's on it. She freaks out when she snaps out of the trance and loudly refuses to get on it, taking herself and those with her out of the line. Moments later the destined crash occurs.

Now comes the fourth which came out this year (2009) and this time a boy sees a car crash and chain reaction at the track where they are trying to enjoy the car races. The car goes out of control and literally brings down the building on top of everyone partly due to the bad maintenance, or lack thereof, of the facility's owners. He snaps out of it obviously scared witless and leaves with his friends and several people overhearing.

Now another thing they all have in common is this...they were not supposed to escape. It was there time to die. Now Death is pretty ticked off that victims on his list have gotten away from him. Not only themselves but a bunch of other people with the sense to listen and believe, and one by one, in the exact order they were meant to die in the accident he picks them off with other accidents. There are signs that death is zeroing in on you, but you have to pay attention and recognize the usually very deja vou signs and circumstances and get your tail out of there quick.

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