Monday, January 10, 2011

Easy A - Sept 2010

Olive (played by Emma Stone) is a nobody at school except to her best friend Rhianna (played by Alyson Michalka) Rhi invites her to go camping her family one weekend and Olive doesn't want to. She can't stand Rhi's crazy family so she makes up the excuse that she has a date. After the weekend she accidently puts the idea into Rhi's head that she lost her virginity over the weekend and doesn't really care. Marianne, (Amanda Byne) A holy rolling bible thumper was in one of the bathroom stalls as they talked and over heard. She spreads it to everyone.

Olive then does a favor for a gay friend and sets a stage to look like they had sex which gains her a bad reputation and soon everyone is paying her to say she had sex with them. They are reading the Scarlet Letter at school and since she is being treated in like manner she sews a red A on her outfits and runs with it.

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